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John Moran

Born 1837 - Died 18 Sep 1882 

Buried Live Oak Cemetery Division 06 Lot 272 E1/2 4

This is a memorial to my great, great grandfather John Moran who was from Ireland.

He laid the stone on the Roman Catholic Church on Washington Street in 1869. The stones were hauled from the old Confederate arsenal.

He and my great, great grandmother owned a mercantile store on the corner of Washington Street and Selma Avenue. They lived in the upstairs part of the building. Down the street a block away was a stable where horses were fed and tended. In the middle of the night, great, great granddaddy dreamed that the horses had broken loose and were stampeding through the street. In his dream, the children were playing in the street. He ran out of one of the full length windows from the second floor and landed in the street breaking his back. He lived three days before he died on September 18, 1882 at the age of 45 years old. He is buried in Old Live Oak Cemetery in Selma.

A side story is that Chief John Blakely, Selma's first fire chief (1907), married John and Julia Moran's daughter, Mary Jeanette. They were the parents of my grandmother, Mary Ella Blakely Scales, who told me the story of her grandfather, John Moran.  The Blakely family is also buried in Old Live Oak Cemetery.

Submitted By:  Travis W. Barnes, III

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